Sunday, November 21, 2021

Planning a New V&V / Mighty Protectors Campaign : Sources of Inspiration Old & New (The Phantom)


I'm starting to put together my plans for the Vigilant Multiverse campaign, and as a result I'm looking for sources of inspiration I can liberally pillage for ideas. I'm discovering that sometime it's good to go back to primary sources.  

I recently came a cross the complete Phantom serials from 1943 on YouTube ( all 15 Episodes ). 

By today's standards it's full of problems, but yet its still a great deal of fun. The storytelling is a little cliché, but not terribly so. 

Game Masters could learn a trick or two from the way in which this serial move the plot along using dialog and action. The fight scenes are short and serve to move the plot forward. It really drives home the importance of using "mooks" against the hero(es). Most of the Phantoms fight are again 3 - 5 "mooks". One on One fights are rare and really represent a upping of the stakes for the Phantom, and those around him.

There are just so many little treasures in this old "pulp" serial that its really worth a watch for game Masters.

Anyways thanks for reading

Erik a.k.a Midnight

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Planning a New V&V / Mighty Protectors Campaign : Sources of Inspiration Old & New (Gotham 1919 - 1939)

 This is a real Gold mine of inspiration If your working on a Super Hero Campaign.

I found this yesterday and I really love the way they have re-framed the whole Batman Saga as if it it stayed anchored in roughly the time period in which it was created. I also love the way in which it is being discussed as a series of historical events & biographies of the time. The movie certainly goes a long way towards making the character feel part of the age in which they are portrayed. Mind you the Narration can be a bit droning and monotonous at time over all I would say this is a great resource for Game Masters running either a Pulp Era RPG or in creating a history for Super Hero Campaign.

Anyways thanks for reading.

Erik a.k.a Midnight